You’re looking for a better way to track your SEO rankings?

SeoPoz is a free tool that simplifies all of your Google Search Console data into one place. You can see what keywords are ranking, where they rank for and more! It’s the perfect way to keep track of your SEO progress.

Google Search Console on steroids!

We make it easy for you to stay on top of everything from one dashboard so you don’t have to go through multiple sources just to find out how well your SEO is going. And with our help, we can show you exactly what needs improvement in order for you to rank higher in search engines like Google.

SEO Dashboard & SEO Metrics

Our SEO dashboard is the perfect solution for a quick but still comprehensive overview of your website's traffic, ranking keywords, backlinks and authority. It also provides an easy way to check out analytics data from different perspectives such as keyword rankings in major search engines or all time stats on organic site visits.

Track the most important SEO KPIs in one place. Your customized SEO dashboard considerably helps you stay focused on what matters most by displaying essential data at one quick glance.

SEO Ranking Report

The SEO ranking report helps you know how high your website ranks in the search engines. These focus on a few essential domain metrics that include organic traffic, keyword rank and visibility. They are also useful for highlighting what contribution an SEO agency can make to help improve these numbers with their services.

Our SEO ranking report is based on weekly performance and we will send it right to your inbox!

Keyword Ranking Report

We offer the latest and greatest in SEO technology. Our clients can easily track their google ranking with ease through our SeoPoz Ranking Report! We provide easy updates, regular reports for a better understanding of how we are paying off - which includes visibility graphs that will give you an inside look into your competition's progress.

Want to keep your website's rankings on the top of Google? Then you need this detailed keyword ranking report. You can see which keywords are returning traffic and what search volume they have, as well as create a list that tracks all your favorite keywords for easy reference later!

Data from Google Analytics and Search Console

Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide tons of valuable information about how people interact with your website. There’s plenty of data here that you can quickly fold into reports, templates or dashboards to help make sense out the information.

Visual data forces you to notice what you never expected to see. SeoPoz lets you simultaneously visualize multiple SEO metrics using a wide range of widgets and graphs that show your site's progress in comparison with the competition or industry standards, enabling targeted optimization efforts for better organic rankings.

Free plan. No contract. Cancel when you want.

All main features included in any plan

3 Projects
3,000 Pages per project
3,000 Keywords per project
3,000 Pages per Site Audit
SEO Dashboards
Keywords Traffic Report
Pages Traffic Report
Tracked Keywords Report
Daily Keyword Ranking Changes
€14 per month
20 Projects
20,000 Pages per project
20,000 Keywords per project
20,000 Pages per Site Audit
SEO Dashboards
Keywords Traffic Report
Pages Traffic Report
Tracked Keywords Report
Daily Keyword Ranking Changes

All SEO dashboards and reports in one place!

SEO Rank Tracker
SEO Reporting Dashboard
SEO Rank Checker

Trusted by a lot of businesses around the world:

I am just quoting some stuff but I am seriously happy about this product. Has a lot of powerful features and is so easy to set up, I could stay customizing it day and night, it's just so much fun!
John McClane
SEO Profiler
This thing is one of those tools that everybody should be using. I really like it and with this ease to use, you can kickstart your projects and apps and just focus on your business!
Carl Jones

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