How to check your website page speed?

The home page of the website is usually used as a benchmark to check the loading time. The following three tools are widely used on the web to check website speed:


  • Visit the GTmetrix website (
  • Enter your website’s URL in the input box and click on the “Test your site” button.
  • GTmetrix will analyze your website’s performance and provide you with a detailed report, including page load time, page size, and other performance metrics. It also offers recommendations for optimizing your website’s speed.

Pingdom Website Speed Test;

  • Go to the Pingdom Website Speed Test website (
  • Enter your website’s URL in the provided field and click on the “Start Test” button.
  • Pingdom will analyze your website’s performance and generate a report that includes performance grade, load time, page size, and other details. It also provides suggestions for improving your website’s speed.

Google PageSpeed Insights;

  • Go to the Google PageSpeed Insights website (
  • Enter your website’s URL in the provided field and click on the “Analyze” button.
  • Google will analyze your website and provide you with a report that includes insights into your page speed performance for both mobile and desktop devices. It also offers suggestions for improvement.

Page speed is a critical factor when it comes to ranking your website higher on Google’s search engine results.

If you want to have a shot at ranking on the first page of Google, your site needs to load in under three seconds.

The most common causes of slow pages are bulky images and poorly-designed coding.