Top 7 SEO Ranking Factors

1. Content relevance

Google’s job is to help users find what they’re looking for. When it comes down to it, that’s all they’re doing. So, having content or writing articles that answer very specific search terms, something somebody actually looking for is very important.

You can’t just write like one tip for fishing and hoping that’s gonna rank. It’s got to be a response to somebody’s really specific search.

2. Websites that are mobile-friendly

Google’s mobile-first index is now a reality, which means it’s drawing its results from mobile-optimized sites first, rather than sites geared to desktop computers. If your site isn’t mobile-optimized you risk being out in the cold, in SEO terms at least.

3. Page speed (Especially Mobile Page speed)

Page load speed is becoming a more and more important ranking factor to Google, as more people use their mobile devices and this one is really hard.

Go to another browser right now and open up Google page speed insights and go check 1-2 pages on your website. If your page load speed for mobile is above 60, you’re doing extremely well. Most WordPress websites can even get there.

4. Domain age and Authority

If you have a domain that has been penalized in the past by user using really spammy techniques or you have a domain that is brand new, Google is not going to be able to attribute much trust and authority to your domain in the short term. It’s going to take some work to overcome this issue.

But over time as your domain get some history behind it, as you have more and more articles that are doing well with the user testing, as you get good high-quality links to other articles on your website. Then Google could trust your domain and hence you’ll be able to rank much higher, much faster. Even if you start a brand new website.

5. Content quality and length

Google’s search algorithm relies on keywords. These are the words and phrases searchers use when they’re looking for information. They’re also the words and phrases that describe the topics your site is about. Ideally, those will match up.

One negative SEO ranking factor to be aware of is duplicate content. For SEO, fresh, original content is always best. 

6. Quality backlinks

Page relevancy measures the thematic relevance of a website page’s content compared to the backlinked websites on that page. If you are working with another website to build a link to your website, it’s critical that there is thematic relevance within the content of that page.

Thematic relevance is defined as a measurement of how relevant a piece of content is to a particular keyword phrase, beyond simply determining if that keyword occurs in the content. If semantically relevant phrases, words, and themes exist within the page content, it’s considered thematically relevant and a high-quality backlink.

7. User experience

Using various SEO tactics can propel your website to the top of relevant SERPs, but the effort will go to waste if potential visitors are not provided with a quality browsing experience. Website owners should therefore focus on creating the best possible browsing experience as their first priority.