10+ Social Media Metrics that Matter to Digital Marketers in 2021

Understanding social media demographics will help you fine-tune your marketing strategy and reach the right people with your message. An average user spends about 2 hours and 29 hours on social media each day. 99% of all social media users are accessing platforms via their mobile devices, at least at some point. Facebook continues to … Read more

Affiliate Program

We want to introduce You with our new Affiliate Program and invite You to become our affiliate marketer. Our affiliate marketers are our partners. We aim to grow together with them, while maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship. We help our marketers, while providing large payouts that are fair. That reflects how seriously we take this … Read more

How to track your keyword rankings for FREE ??

Today we have many SEO tools which track your keyword rankings and all your SEO activity, but most of them are paid or inaccurate. Usually, SEO tool scrapes data from Google and then display it to their system. This way scraped results becomes personalized and inaccurate, it very depends on the user’s location, previous searches … Read more

Top 7 SEO Ranking Factors

1. Content relevance Google’s job is to help users find what they’re looking for. When it comes down to it, that’s all they’re doing. So, having content or writing articles that answer very specific search terms, something somebody actually looking for is very important. You can’t just write like one tip for fishing and hoping … Read more

Categories SEO

The most important SEO metrics

Here I define the most important SEO metrics and show you how to watch them in SeoPoz platform. 1. Organic website traffic (clicks from search engine) The main purpose of doing SEO is to gain more visitors to your website. All visitors who comes from search engines is called Organic traffic. This metric is essential … Read more

Categories SEO

Top 5 Social Media Management Platforms

Social media management tools help you find more content to share. Use them to schedule posts at the perfect time, as well as measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. What’s more, they give actionable insights you can use to improve your social presence. Zoho Social Zoho Social is a complete social media management platform for … Read more

How to do Keyword Research

close up photo of survey spreadsheet

In the vast landscape of digital marketing, keyword research stands as a cornerstone of success. Understanding how to effectively research and target keywords can significantly impact the visibility and success of your online presence. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of keyword research, providing you with actionable insights and strategies to master … Read more

How to add your website to Google Search Console?

1. Sign into your Google account. Make sure you’re using your business (not personal) account if it’s a business website. 2. Go to Google Search Console. 3. Click on the properties selector. 4. Click “Add property” down below. 5. Select property type (Default is “Domain”). 6. Enter your domain and click “CONTINUE”. 7. Verify domain ownership … Read more